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If you would like to see 110 more pictures of Maestro, view his publication titled

"Recreational Muscle Part 2 - The Iron Man Saviour's Message."

When Ludwig van Beethoven was alive, Count Razumovsky and Prince Lobkowitz gave Beethoven money so that he could spend his fulltime and focus on as a performer and composer (1).

Now Maestro Adam Simpson would like to do the same thing but he wants to spend his time on continuing with his band called Band Maestro in


- Composing.

- Rehearsing in playing the piano and singing.

- Singing lessons.

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Also, Adam is preparing for his very first bodybuilding competition in the classic physique section. This section is purely focused on as an art form through artistic posing and is a performance. When The Iron Man Saviour started bodybuilding, he knew from the very beginning that bodybuilding has nothing to do with on how strong somebody looks. From his classical musical background, he really understands what real beauty is.


All of the above will also contribute to his studies. This is through

- Instrumental musical performance.

- Bruce Lee’s The Art of Expressing the Human Body but in Adam’s case, through dancing and bodybuilding posing.


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It's Over 9000!!!!

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After this goal in competing in his very first bodybuilding competition, The Iron Man Saviour wishes to give a bodybuilding seminar. In this seminar Adam wants to properly educate bodybuilders or people who really enjoy lifting as bodybuilding has become that far beyond collateral damaged because of social media, a free service that never has real statistics with educators who have no qualifications, miniature amounts of experience or do not know how to educate. The Iron Man Saviour will always guide you very safely, always morally right and will advise to be excruciating careful of such as


- fake gains because

a) Performance enhancement drugs are illegal.

b) About 99.999% of people who are taking performing enhancing drugs are found through social media. In the gym itself, The Iron Man Saviour believes roughly every fourth person is on it.

c) Very often people look up to the biggest and most vascular person. You will be absolutely shocked in how much weight training experience they have had.

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d) Massive amounts of followers/subscribers and giving out advice who have had barely any experience or a little bit of experience.

e) Who to be educated from and to be even more excruciatingly careful of learning from people who are even IFBB or WFF professionals through social media.

f) What real……….is. If you watch a person in the gym who is on performance enhancement drugs, they are not breaking a sweat and are very often chatting and using their mobile phone.  


g) The harmful mental health issues caused by performance enhanced athletes on social media and even professional athletes through other mediums such as Blue-rays and DVDs.

h) Online bullying for real natural bodybuilders.

i) Mobile phones, almost every second person in the gym uses their mobile phone in-between their own sets such as watching videos, swiping through photos, replying to messages or playing video games.


j) Never be influenced by social media.

Galick Gun!

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Big Bang Attack!

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Other topics that The Iron Man Saviour wishes to talk about are

- Training safety and the most often caused mistakes such as barbell bench pressing way too much.

- Realistic training frequencies with body parts, training length and realistic physiques.

- Diet, eating healthy and being very aware of what you’re getting yourself really, really involved into such as the restaurant McDonalds. It is probably the most successful restaurant in the world like seeing a church on almost every street corner.


- Bodybuilding can be very healthy when approached in the right way.

- His stories and giving real natural bodybuilders hope and much, much more!!!

From all the above information, The Iron Man Saviour will always guide you very safely and morally always right.

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The Artist’s Oath - Donations


Adam takes all the above information very seriously and will give his oath to you by giving continuous updates in his work. If you wish to help a real artist and a true master, donations can be made with the below link.


Link -



“I have found, after much soul-searching, that deep down what I honestly value more than anything else is quality: doing one’s best in the manner of the responsibility and craftsmanship of a number 1.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do, Little J, p.378, Tuttle Publishing, Tokyo, Rutland, Vermont, Singapore, 1997


“Only the self-sufficient stand alone--most people follow the crowd and imitate.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do, Little J, p.337, Tuttle Publishing, Tokyo, Rutland, Vermont, Singapore, 1997


(1) And left him a note saying “There are many Count Lichnowskys, there is only one Beethoven” and that in a sense was the guiding principle of his life.” – John Suchet

Documentary Biography Beethoven: The Sound and the Fury, Copyright 1998 A & E Television Networks. Distributed in the U.S by New Video.


“The man who is really serious, with the urge to find out what truth is, has no style at all. He lives only in what is.” – Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do, Little J, p.329, Tuttle Publishing, Tokyo, Rutland, Vermont, Singapore, 1997


“Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands the whole person. Toscanini demonstrates this in every manifestation of his life.” – Albert Einstein

The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, Calaprice A, p.155 Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2011.


“I get letters now 27 years after he’s been gone from people who weren’t even born when he was alive and he was telling me how he has motivated them to be a better person, to achieve their goals, to be in better physical condition, to live their own life from their own heart rather than just following or emulating somebody else so it really does my heart good and I think that Bruce would be smiling down to know that his work and his art have continued to benefit people all over the world.” - Linda Lee Cadwell, Bruce Lee’s widow.

Documentary Bruce Lee A Warrior’s Journey, Copyright 2000 Linda Lee Cadwell, distributed by Warner Home Video Pty.


Leonardo Anatomy, text by Marco Cianchi, p.4 and 5, Copyright 1998 Giunti Editore S.p.A. Via Bolognese 165 – 50139 Florence Italy.


Final Flash!

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